As a towing company we offer a variety of fleet to help with getting the job done safely and in a timely matter, but with each call there are questions that the customers ask and we are glad to provide that answer to the best of our ability. For example, some of the most frequent questions asked are:

1. Why do 4-wheel drive or all-wheel drive vehicles need to be dollied?
Especially with these types of vehicles, we would like to prevent damage and towing these types of vehicles without dollies can cause damage to the drive train. We refuse to cut corners when it comes to caring for your vehicle.
2. Why is Winching so expensive?
As we never know what we are getting our hands dirty with, we ask a lot of questions on the unit and the whereabouts of the unit. We want to make sure we send the proper equipment to safely do our job and to make sure the job is handled with care and with no damage.
3. Was my car Impounded or Repossessed?
If your vehicle has been impounded or repossessed we highly suggest for you to call the police department. As a towing company, by law, we have to report the vehicle if we do either an impound or repo, but take in consideration, not all vehicles come to our lot, as in some cases we are called by the police department to move a vehicle.
When doing private property Impounds, we will not touch a vehicle without the signature of the property owner/manager. Having this documentation helps us in more ways than some.
With every tow being different from the size of the vehicle to the job that needs to be done. We will not be posting a price. We prefer not to because we believe it can be a false advertisement.